In light of the recent earthquake in Japan, I thought it would be good to use this space to give you all a crash course on how nuclear reactors work. Welcome to my Nuclear Reactors for Dummies.
- Nuclear Fusion
Fission takes one unstable and radioactive nucleus and splits it into two more nuclei by introducing a neutron.

Nuclear Fission
Here’s a link if you want to play around with a simulation of a nuclear reactor and see how nuclear fission works. Just download the application and have fun (trust me, there are no viruses hiding in the program)
If you do not trust me (I won’t be offended) and you still want to have a visualization of how nuclear fission works, then find yourself some dominos.
Here’s more information on what happened specifically at the Fukushima reactor in Japan.
Leave it to the economists to find a silver lining in the Japanese crisis.
Finally, here is what our California government is doing to make sure that our nuclear reactors do not suffer the same fate as the Fukushima reactor in the event of an earthquake.
It would not be right if I did not add a list of sites that you can go to in order to help Japan. Even if you cannot physically go over to Japan, you can still help by giving money to those who can.
And for all you video game nuts (I know you’re out there) Bungie is selling wristbands (they’re pretty cool) and all the funds go to help Japan. Also, if you buy anything from their store from now until April 30 the money goes directly to helping out Japan.
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